Interceding for
Those in Authority
1 Timothy 2:1-2

Interacting with
Government Leaders
1 Timothy 2:1-2

Impacting our Cities,
State, and Nation
1 Timothy 2:1-2

From the Courthouse
to the White House
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Join the Alliance
Join the Alliance by:
Signing up to receive updates/prayer alerts from the TNGPA by email.
Enlist to help build a canopy of prayer for governmental leaders.
Interested in becoming a team leader?
Make a Donation
"I believe in the power of prayer, and the TN Governmental Prayer Alliance embodies the Bible’s call to pray for government leaders". Former Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey – District 2
Thank you for your interest and involvement in the TN Governmental Prayer Alliance. Doors continue to open for us to interact with governmental leaders across the state. In the last year, several unique opportunities have been made available to the TNGPA. With increased opportunities, comes an increase in expenses. Will you consider partnering with us in order to see the vision for the TNGPA become a reality?
Your tax exempt gift allows us to answer “yes” to each opportunity that comes our way. Your gift is greatly appreciated and can be made online by clicking Make A Donation, or mailed to Tennessee Governmental Prayer Alliance, P.O. Box 2771, Brentwood, TN 37024. Feel free to contact us at 615.480.4052 or